[Microblog] @ lemmy I have account on mastodon

submitted by user_naa

@lemmy I have account on mastodon.social (as you can see above). I can read Lemmy and write posts via my Mastodon frontend, but it has very limited functionality (ex. I can't upvote posts or it is comfortable to read long threads). Is there a way to use Lemmy frontend without creating any Lemmy account with my Mastodon server backbend?

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simply put: no

most fediverse software has its own API specific to how that application works. in some cases different fediverse software may be sharing a common API, which is typically a result of either a reimplementation (e.g. the Sublinks project is working on a reimplementation of the Lemmy API) or the result of a fork, where the previous API has been inherited and is typically built on top of.

It should also be noted that while Lemmy and Mastodon both use ActivityPub federation for interoperation, they have significantly different internal structures for how data is stored and represented to clients. I don't know if mastodon supports vote federation with Lemmy at this point, but if it doesn't do that currently, then using an alternative frontend won't help you. It would likely be possible to build a Mastodon client that has a better thread view though, but it'd still have to be something built for the Mastodon API specifically.


Mastodon is a great way to follow folks on Lemmy, as Lemmy is focused more on communities around topics than individual contributors. The foil to that, then, is that individuals can be easily recognized as regular contributors within those communities -- but only because you happen to see their usernames often enough, not because Lemmy is designed to follow them.

Because of these design choices, I like leveraging Mastodon to hone in on ICs who tend to post interesting content, and share it via my Mastodon network. Likewise, it can be fun to see toots from Mastodon referenced in the communities I follow here, as they help facilitate good discussion.

user_naa [OP]

@chirospasm So what is goal of Fedeverse then?


@user_naa@mastodon.social I'm not sure if this was intentional, but both of your replies to the comments here seem to have been deleted by you.


Sorry, got confused with Mustodon interface (created account just today).

(This is my Lemmy account)