Labour MPs begin quitting X over ‘hate and disinformation’

submitted by perviouslyiner

Labour MPs begin quitting X over ‘hate and disinformation’

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Avatar John Richard

Arresting people for things they say even when they aren't threats is anti-free speech and the UK and many European countries do not allow free speech. You can be arrested for even saying Israelis genociding Palestinians are Nazis.


No you cannot. Assuming you're not from the UK.

Stirring up racial hatred and geeing people up to burn down hotels holding refugees is not free speech.

Avatar John Richard

I specifically said things that aren't threats. Just because you don't like what they say doesn't mean that it isn't free speech.


You sound like you get your knowledge of European and British laws from tabloid journalism

Avatar John Richard

Since when did the NYT become tabloid journalism?

Or Wikipedia?

Which says, "there is no general right to free speech in the UK."

CrypticCoffee , edited

First one is about Germany, not UK. Secondly, you do realise wikipedia is unreliable, prone to edit wars and subject to those that have the most passion for a topic (like free speech "absolutists"/racists). It's why academia tell you its a poor reference and to not bother.

Can you find a UK example that you think overstepped the line?

I'm in the UK, critical of Israel and not been arrested yet...

It's always interesting seeing distrorted American views of the UK.


John Richard here is definitely an American. He doesn't understand the difference between "free speech" and "freedom from hatred"

Those of us in truly modern countries enjoy the latter and are very happy to have it.

It's a common thing in backward-thinking, religious countries to think that the former is better.