Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.


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Why are you throwing these insane accusations around if you have no proof?

Socialist Berserker

Hey, keeping posting screen shots of your interactions with me, when I haven't mentioned your name at all, sure doesn't make it look like you are stalking me. For sure it doesn't. Don't worry man, it's all good.

You don't look guilty at all. Relax.


Then you have nothing to worry about.

Socialist Berserker

Oh, I'm not worried at all.

I hope we can make the votes public. :)


Me too, then you can see that no one’s following you.

Avatar Socialist Berserker

Oh someone is following me. And I know who it is. And I think this thread might just have an idea of who it is too.


Because I’ve responded to two of your comments today on a public forum?

Out of the hundred you’ve made?

Socialist Berserker

Like I said, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. :)

Hey how many screenshots have you taken of my post count today? Just wondering.


Three but you know that so why are you asking?

Avatar Socialist Berserker

Three but you know that so why are you asking?

Because I wanted everyone else to know. :)


My post history is public and I don’t mind anyone seeing it.

I don’t think this is the gotcha you’re looking for.

Avatar Socialist Berserker

Sure, but I'm sure no one is interested enough in you to go see your post history, so I wanted to save them the time.


Very polite of you.

Avatar Socialist Berserker

And just so we can keep it polite, I've finally blocked you. :)


If you block everyone you disagree with you’re going to have a very lonely experience here.


I've also been watching this account, and I think it's an agitator organization. The posts are too frequent across several focused topics, and engagement is contemporaneously too cogent across those topics for it to be a single person.

I call shenanigans.


Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell.

See you around, hey?