Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.


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This is about seeing what posts you voted on. Like if you upvote a post that someone disagrees with for whatever reason or you downvote someone's post they could see that and go after you for it. Regardless of why you did it.

[deleted] , edited

People already do this based on people’s comments.

Shitty people are going to try and find ways to get under your skin all the time. None of these things we’re talking about solve that. What I am talking about is fostering a less toxic culture in the aggregate. Individuals will do what they do.


Right but we don't need to give them the tools to do it even more.

[deleted] , edited

What tools are we giving them? If anything downvotes are a tool they abuse already. May as well take it away


The post is about giving everyone the ability to see how everyone else votes on individual posts/comments. For instance if you downvoted this I would be able to look it up somehow and see it was you as opposed to it being anonymous. I don't care if I get downvoted but there's a lot of wackjobs on the internet who might use that as a reason to harass someone.


Then block them. You think this is suddenly going to be a daily occurrence or something?


No I don't but there's no reason to give them the option at all. There's no positives to votes being public.