Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.


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Sure sounds like a lot of victim blaming to me. If someone upvoted a post in their city's regional instance but never commented, it's insane to me that a) that vote should be publicly viewable and b) people would blame the user.

Avatar Drasglaf , edited

That's a fair point, but I still think it's a very specific case. I believe it would benefit way more than harm the fediverse in general.

Like others have said, maybe do it opt-in, so each instance can choose whether they want to have it or not.


What is the benefit here in this case? Basically why do we care who upvotes or downvotes something that it needs to be exposed?

Avatar Drasglaf

Obviously I don't have all the answers, but from my point of view it would help against things like astroturfing or vote manipulation.


I had to look up astroturfing in this context, so hopefully I got this right. But isn't that just the actual commenting then? Obviously voting could get that comment moved closer to the top when done by the perps in this case but I think it would take the community to also be up voting the comment for it to rise to the top. I also don't think knowing who commented actually fixes this issue nor does it give more ability from an admin perspective to get rid of those comments if that was desired.

I could be missing something though.

Avatar Drasglaf , edited

Yes, in my opinion astroturfing and vote manipulation go and in hand. For me it's not just an admin perspective, I Think users having this kind of info can be beneficial. Admins' (or mods') interests aren't always aligned with users' interests, as reddit has taught me.


Opt in would be far more of a reasonable option .

Avatar Drasglaf

The problem I see with that is, bad actors only need to make accounts in instances that opted out to keep doing their thing. But yes, I think they'll choose this option in the end.