Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.


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As far as I know right now, IP and such details are your instance only.

Votes, however, are visible across any instance. I agree its a transparency issue. Right now I think a of of folks believe their votes to be anonymous (or only visible to their instance admins at most), but that's not true at all.


That's really good to know, and not how I thought the system worked previously. I thought instances were responsible for all vote aggregation and simply reported totals to each other at regular intervals, plus submitting comments/edits from users which are more obviously public


Yup, all visible. The only exceptions are fully private instances (or mostly private, with limited federation) and local only communities.

kbin/mbin also make all these votes public, so you could even just be *on* an mbin server and see all the votes. So right now its like... jumping over an 8" high hurdle. Or doing the limbo under a pole at 5'. You have to do *something*, just not much. I wouldn't call it completely non-trivial to do, but it isn't rocket surgery either.