Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.


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kux , edited

the author almost certainly has more experience in managing online communities than me (i have none) but it seems counterintuitive to see a dumb take, downvote *and* bother to leave an argumentative reply rather than just downvote and scroll past. downvotes in this case would defuse potential arguments rather than start them, but i'll defer to the author and assume that's not what happens

Avatar sramder

That was my take on it too. The vague sense that you’re just going to end up with nothing but circle-jerks if you implement all these suggestions. I could also just be whooshing an attempt a levity, something obvious to a seasoned community moderator.

Hopefully my shitty attempts at socratic method rate a bit better then trolling, but I often doubt it :-)