Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.


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The specific college was Brigham Young University, a well-known conservative Mormon college that mandates religious education.

The persecution complex with a total lack of self reflection is truly epic.

Avatar TheTechnician27

Moreover, they note that it's a small community with three subscribers, which could actually hold weight as evidence of brigading if we were on Reddit. But on Lemmy? Nah, you kind of just see everything.

If we're sorting by new on /r/all, I need to scroll back several pages on RiF to even see something that was posted 30 seconds ago; the chance that more than a few users will see the same feed there is tiny.

On Lemmy, by contrast, sorting 'All' by new gives me posts in the last 10-ish minutes on just the first page; things just move a ton more slowly. Consequently, there's a lot more outsiders who are liable to see and interact with your post in a small community.