Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

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Avatar SorteKanin

there are certainly ways to solve it, like having the vote identity split between multiple servers that can still confirm with each other that the vote is valid, but neither would reveal the actual identity to make it traceable back.

This doesn't solve it. I can still just make multiple accounts and vote multiple times.

The only way to solve it would be to actually verify that each account is associated with 1 real life person and then verify that each person only votes once on each post. But that requires essentially verifying a passport and documents for each user which is totally infeasible and has far worse privacy concerns than public votes do.

Avatar Amju Wolf

This doesn’t solve it. I can still just make multiple accounts and vote multiple times.

I mean yeah, but you could already do that *now*. The point is to not make it worse, and to not allow malicious instances to vote as if they were other people.

Avatar SorteKanin

I mean yeah, but you could already do that now

Yes, but because the votes are not private, I can be found out by correlating votes. Like if I made another account and just used it to always upvote everything my first account posts, that would be pretty obvious. If votes are private, there is no way to find out such conduct.