Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say

submitted by Rimu edited

Probably better to post in the github issue rather than replying here.


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[deleted] , edited

Yes, bias is a thing. Ever hear of the placebo effect? It gives people a bias before clicking the link.

In fact, showing rankings actually makes it easier for bots because of that bias, they just randomly click stuff to appear neutral, and upvote their target posts, which when they say +1.4k, you'll be biased into thinking it's a popular opinion. Hence why hiding them by default actually maybe has benefits. There are no advantages to seeing the votes other than abuse. Name some.

As you said, they're already accessible, so there is no point of bloating the code. Let's not make them even more so and encourage abuse.

What problem is being solved here by doing this?


After reading your exciting new definition of the placebo effect and being asked to "name some advantages" that have been in every comment I've made, I think I know everything I need to about the quality of your opinions.