Instance Owners: Do Not Use Lemmy-Thumbnail-Cleaner
If you are using please stop and disable it as soon as possible.
We have found a security issue that allows any user to make LTC delete any locally hosted image.
I will be posting more details soon and editing this to include the information.
E: More information here
Ah. So Lemmy with version 0.19.4+ allows users to set a custom thumbnail URL for a post, which can be set to pretty much anything resembling a valid link, especially a link to another image in the local pictrs db and trigger a deletion of both when a minimum age check is passed.
Also this:
On point summary.
And I was just about to write that I have confirmed SQLi is not possible to find out I have missed something that might in-turn make it possible! holy hell back to drawing board
Yikes. Thanks for putting in the works and sharing your findings to you and
I'm really curious how someone can exploit a script that is meant to be running locally with no external facing interface
Post edited with link to more information.