To take a step back and see how far we've gone, Discuit, another link aggregator created around one year ago, published their weekly report - 245 weekly active users (detailed report in link)

submitted by Blaze (he/him) edited

To take a step back and see how far we've gone, Discuit, another link aggregator created around one year ago, published their weekly report - 245 weekly active users (detailed report in link)

Discuit is one of the alternatives to Reddit which emerged at the same time as Lemmy (the other one being Tildes, mentioned at the end of the post)

Lemmy has 48k monthly active users (mau):

Mbin has 862 mau:

Piefed has 133 mau:

On Tildes site, I counted around 25 posts per day:

We can see that federation was indeed a better solution, looking at the difference in number of Discuit and Tildes (not federated) vs Lemmy/Mbin/Piefed

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I haven't seen these posts, either. But I have to ask, are you this person?


That episode aired in 2005 or 2006. I remember I watched that episode on its first run with my girlfriend at the time.

She had heard me say for years how much I loathe him. So when Francine did THAT episode, I was like YES!!!! YES!!!! GO FRANCINE!!!!

My girlfriend was visably scared how excited I got. It was like rooting for a sports team, except we were sharing our love of loathing a smug bastard.


That is hilarious. I can imagine it with perfect clarity lol