Bluesky continues to soar

submitted by blue_berry

Bluesky continues to soar

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Avatar helenslunch

You can't run your own server. Never have been able to...

You can create your own federated chat app or whatever that uses the Signal protocol? You can also fork the Signal chat application? But all Signal messages run through Signal servers.

Avatar Blaze

Seems to be similar here, you can run PDS (personal instances), but they still rely on a central Bluesky server

Avatar helenslunch

Right, the point is there was never a time you could use Signal on another server.

Avatar Blaze

Yes, that's what the first comment you replied to said

Avatar helenslunch , edited

No, you said there were "independent servers" and that Signal "killed" them...?

You also said you could run your own Signal server. You cant.

You also said nobody runs their own anymore, when they never did.

Avatar Blaze

Not me, it was

I reread their whole paragraph, and I agree, but anyway