Emerges to Offer Paid Fediverse Subscriptions

submitted by Sean Tilley is an emergent new platform for paid subscriptions in the #Fediverse. It's simple, smooth, and easy to use.

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Avatar helenslunch

Sure it’s the people latching and trying to extract blood (money) from us the content creators.

LOL no, it's the people demanding that everyone should work for you and ask for nothing return.

This service *helps* creators...

Avatar Deceptichum , edited

No one is demanding they work for us.

We’re demanding they don’t come here and demand money. If they don’t want to provide content for free like the rest of us, we don’t mind them not being here.

Avatar helenslunch

No one is demanding they work for us.

When you insist that everything is free, that's *exactly* what you're doing...

If they don’t want to provide content for free like the rest of us, we don’t mind them not being here.

And who made you King of the fedi? Who are you to decide that everything has to be free?

Avatar Deceptichum

No one is demanding them full stop. If you want to make us pay, we don’t want you. That’s an un-demand.

I’m one voice of a community. As you can tell from many of the other posts in here, it seems to be a majority sentiment on the majority leftist Fediverse.

Avatar helenslunch , edited

No one is demanding them full stop.

Weird, "fuck off" sounds a lot like a demand...

If you want to make us pay, we don’t want you.

Who is "we"?

I’m one voice of a community.

My point, exactly.


The point is, we are enjoying free content without any advertising and monetisation slapped on. If that happens, then we just leave, we are not demanding free content, we just consume it because it exists. The donation model is the only one that works in this space, or this space fails as another attempt at capitalism where it wasn't needed or requested.

Avatar Deceptichum , edited

Don’t be obtuse.

Demand as in want, not demand as in order.

We is the community.

And the majority of the community agrees. My voices and theirs reflect that.