How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord?

submitted by db0…

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We trusted corporations.

I'd like to think we've collectively learned our lessons, but watching people migrate from Reddit to fucking Discord makes me think that we really have not and probably never will.


Corpos are spending countless resources to infiltrate anything with as much as a iota of traction so that they can bleed the cow cash dry and sell its carcass for money.

Even if you distrust the corpos and want them to die, the majority of the population has so much trouble just surviving that its hard to raise up against that bullshit


I don't know, but every fucking group's reliance on Discord pisses me off. I'm very much into modding my games, the problem is that every damn mod author wants to do support only on Discord, which means probably more than half of my 200 servers are just for that.


Man you said it. I despise discord. My gaming group will post things in the chat, and if you ever want to look at something again it's a pain in the ass to find it


yep. it's free and easy, and becoming the default. :|


Seriously. I don't mind it as a platform for socialising, but it's terrible as a support platform, and it goes against the idea of open and accessible information.


I really don't get how one is supposed to use more than one server. As in, how to spread one's attention to feel like one is present in so many places. It's a total non-starter for me.

Draconic NEO

Discord is a terrible platform for communities and for support, because it's one giant group chat and the messages scroll by. You really need a forum type environment for these types of things and while discord does have a forum format option, it's still really sucks and also gets little use on the count of how the rest of Discord is structured.

Kecessa , edited

If there was a Reddit/Lemmy style website (where people create communities for various subjects but it's all available from the same website using the same credentials) with forum style discussions I would be outta here in a moment.

Ongoing discussions with bumps are so much better for knowledge accumulation (that's the reason why they're still used by specialized communities), the major issue with forums, as pointed out, is the hassle of having to go from one website to another to talk about various subjects and needing to sign up to each one of them.

As for solving the "little Kings" issue, dumb backend, smart frontend. Remove admins from the equation, those hosting are only there to host. People moderate communities but communities can easily be replaced. People create a frontend to access the backend but from a user point of view it doesn't make a difference what frontend they use, they will get access to the same content.

The fact that I've written this comment a dozen times since last year proves a point, Reddit/Lemmy style websites just lead to content being repeated again and again. This comment will get lost to time just like all the other times I shared my opinion on the subject. On a forum it would be part of the ongoing discussion and anyone who wanted to go through the whole thread where all discussions on that subject to place would read it, no matter how long it had been since I posted.

db0 , edited

It seems to me the only thing you're missing from the functionality you want on lemmy is a sorting system which just bumps any threads with new comments to the top. I don't like that approach myself, but if that's what you want I don't see a reason not to have it. Why don't you suggest it to the lemmy devs? It doesn't seem like it would be difficult to add it.

EDIT: Actually, nevermind, this already exists with the "New Comments" feature. Why don't you just use that?


Only works if everyone's experience is the same and discussions are centralized in threads. I added to my comment but on a forum that discussion would be part of a thread where all similar articles/discussions would be centralized instead of having a new thread being opened on the same subject every few weeks and people having to rewrite the same opinion every time (or just not sharing their opinion anymore because they're tired of repeating themselves every time someone wants to talk about that subject).

There's no knowledge accumulation with the way things work on Reddit/Lemmy, just repetition and things being forgotten.

db0 , edited

I can't disagree enough. There was little knowledge accumulation in oldschool forums either. There were constant arguments about thread necromancy and people not searching before asking. It sounds like you're describing a parallel idyllic universe.

This kind of knowledge repository is why were have megathreads and/or attached wikis.

Regardless of that, if you really wanted to run a lemmy instance like that, you can do that right now. You can set up a lemmy instance where you default to sorting everything by "New Comments" and discussions as "Chat" and you get an identical model to old school forums. Hell, as long as you find a good amount of like-minded folks and you all agree to sort the same way, you can build up your "knowledge accumulation" inside the existing lemmy instances and communities.

Kecessa , edited

Everything you'll ever want to know about a specific model of motorcycle, all in a single thread:

Ask a question and people will tell you what page to look at if you can't find it, post something that has already been talked about and they'll refer you to the page where people talked about it.

On here? You could repost the exact same text tomorrow in a different community and the same discussion would happen again. Post it again in this community in a month and the same discussion will happen again without anyone noticing that you're reposting.

Necroing in order to continue talking about something and build on the base already established is much better than the constant repost and knowledge reset we see on here where the same questions are asked again and again and again and people need to explain the same things again and again and again.

db0 [OP] , edited

Ask a question and people will tell you what page to look at if you can’t find it, post something that has already been talked about and they’ll refer you to the page where people talked about it.

You are relying on some random people being around to serve as your search engine. Cmon. You can do the same thing here with megathreads and wikis. Hell you can also ask around on megathreads and people will link you. Nothing you describe here is unique to forums.

Necroing in order to continue talking about something and build on the base already established is much better than the constant repost and knowledge reset we see on here where the same questions are asked again and again and again and people need to explain the same things again and again and again.

The same happened in forums. Even in forums with megathreads like these, people asked the same question again and again. This is a matter of culture, not of software. You just happened to find a forum with a good culture and assumed it's the result of the software.

Just build that community here and you have the same results AND federation with other topics if needed.

Also I lowkey find the expectation that you rely on people with thousands of bookmarks to be around to point you to a page in one gigathread to be quite disturbing.


I don't disagree.

There is one forum I still participate in:

It's mostly tech-focussed and Australia-centric, but it does have other topics like sport, TV etc..

I wish there were more like this.

I hate that the bulk of online discussion is now owned/monopolised by a couple of huge corporations.


There are many forums like that, especially if you're not limited to one language. Most of the ones I frequent have been around for 10 or 20 years or more, but kind of fly under the radar. ilxor being a very good example. AFAIK, the latter also adds only one new user per day. I'd say that's a good thing, even though I had to apply several times.


Specific forums for certain things are still the best.

I have an Aprilia motorcycle from 1999, and the Aprilia forum has 20 years of info, discussion, and advice on that specific motorcycle.

It is also a bit surreal seeing someone reply to my question and see that they joined the forum itself back when I was less that 1 years old.


There are several forum software companies working on ActivityPub support, I know both Discourse and NodeBB have been working on it for a while


Indeed, hopefully they can complete compatibility at some point


If there was a Reddit/Lemmy style website (where people create communities for various subjects but it’s all available from the same website using the same credentials) with forum style discussions

Isn't this just Discourse?


I'll go take a look, but isn't it just the software behind the various forums and you need separate credentials for each one?


It has ActivityPub support so it is connected to the fediverse in some ways. Lemmy doesn't work with it though AFAIK because Lemmy doesn't support posts made outside communities.

db0 [OP]

Why doesn't discourse simply make their different topics into communities is the question


I mean you could equally ask why does Lemmy not support posts outside communities? It's on both parties to interoperate I think. Lemmy also uses a specific extension to ActivityPub while Discourse's posts and Mastodon's posts and such are pretty standard, but still not picked up by Lemmy.


I don't know, if there's any hosted instances of it, or how mature it is, but one of the Lemmy devs has experimented with using the frontend of phpBB (basically *the* software for old-school forums) with a Lemmy backend: !

To my knowledge, they had some pretty quick successes with it and one might be able to just slap this onto a server right now...


Last updates where in April 2023, priority not on their priority list


the major issue with forums, as pointed out, is the hassle of having to go from one website to another to talk about various subjects and needing to sign up to each one of them.

Honestly the "having to sign up" part would be *trivial* to solve if topical forums just globally adopted OpenID sign-in or similar. No need to have one account per community if you already have (or "are") an account in the World.

But even then, there's a point to having to go through a sign-up process. At least *some* sort of vetting. We have seen how far have fallen all the communities that have ever relaxed sign-ups (as another comment in this thread shows, there was once a time when FB only allowed educated people in).


Once a thread gets large enough, no one is going back to read the first page. Maybe for communities on Lemmy, “Active” is the sort method that would work the best as you’d describe, but sorting the comments/replies by votes seems the best method to make sure the most important knowledge is visible


If there was a Reddit/Lemmy style website (where people create communities for various subjects but it's all available from the same website using the same credentials) with forum style discussions I would be outta here in a moment.

My brother, this is that website


No, it's not. Unless they only allow the sorting of threads based on which discussions has the newest comment (bumping) and remove comment nesting (so discussions are ongoing instead of branching off which makes it difficult to keep up with what's new in the different threads), it's not that website.


Can't someone make a client or a UI which does this?

db0 [OP]

Lemmy already has both of those sorting options built in


Only works if everyone is sorting the same way otherwise by replying to an old post you're just screaming in the void.

ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝

They have !

Lemmy is just a forum set to sort by new posts, not new comments.


Again, unless it works the same way for everyone then people are just replying to old discussions and no one knows about it except for the person they're replying to.


How so? I generally scroll to the bottom on here


Isn’t that exactly what “Active” sort does?


Only works if it's the way everyone is sorting their feed.


This is a fantastic read. I wasnt around for the prime days of forums but I did experience them a bit.

I'm becoming extremely concerned about the number of topics and projects that are migrating to Discord. My main issue is that it is not and never will be publically indexed, and among other problems, is itself a corporate walled garden we consider to be "one of the good ones".

I really hope we find and establish a "low executive cost" solution before the next time Discord fumbles (which is inevitable) and we can claw some of that activity back.

But people are so used to seamless voice and video chat nowadays - and that's a technical hurdle that AFAIK, no open-source self-hostable projects have come close to solving.


But people are so used to seamless voice and video chat nowadays - and that’s a technical hurdle that AFAIK, no open-source self-hostable projects have come close to solving.

this is unironically such a big problem, there are great voice chatting solutions, mumble, and the handful of other ones that exist out there.

There are basically 0 good usable video conferencing/sharing softwares out there. The same goes for desktop streaming. If we just focused like, a little bit more of our energy on these two things, i think the world would unironically get better. It's 2024, h264 runs on a CPU like nothing, why haven't we figured out how to do these things yet?

The ones that do exist are likely to be web based, and thus, webRTC, the dreaded behemoth of both web support and also, generally poor implementation. I just want mumble but with support for video streaming, how hard is it >:(


It’s 2024, h264 runs on a CPU like nothing, why haven’t we figured out how to do these things yet?

It's not about the hardware. (Not like it's *that* ubiquitous anyway; I'm daily driving a machine from 2017)

I'm going to guess part of it is because for the things that matter to the people who *do* end up having to code, test and distribute stuff, something like "seamless screen sharing" or "video conference" *doesnt really matter*.

And IMO, that's good if we want to Recover the Web.

The idea behind being in something like a jabber chatroom, or a web forum, is that I can pay attention to 12 channels (or whatever) at a time, read one or two, reply in three others, etc. Text is so un-invasive that I can just explore without bothering myself or anyone else.

In comparison, something like audio chat or video chat is more presence-encompassing. You can't really "push to talk" three different things to three chatrooms at about once, and you likely can *but won't want to* listen to three chatrooms full of people at the same time. For something like a videoconference you not only need a camera, but a good behind-you because not only who knows who or what will be showing back there.

In the end, something like a simple jabber-like chatroom is far easier and more productive to work on, even *before* we get to the coding part.

Not to mention: this is computer stuff. No one really *likes* to work on "debt", which is what "Foo has to have 'screen sharing' because Discord has it" ultimately boils down to.


I’m going to guess part of it is because for the things that matter to the people who do end up having to code, test and distribute stuff, something like “seamless screen sharing” or “video conference” doesnt really matter.

this definitely makes sense in the OSS community, but i feel like someone should've already done it as a semi pet project already. I know i would've done it.

And IMO, that’s good if we want to Recover the Web.

that's an interesting take, but personally i think the web should stick to pretty much static web pages, the browser is turning into a secondary operating system, which is being run on an operating system, which is just, stupid.

Personally i don't think any of this stuff should be done over the web, period.

The idea behind being in something like a jabber chatroom, or a web forum, is that I can pay attention to 12 channels (or whatever) at a time, read one or two, reply in three others, etc. Text is so un-invasive that I can just explore without bothering myself or anyone else.

yeah, my main complaint though is that we *do* have things like jabber, this is already incredibly accessible, there is almost no need for expanding the current landscape because it's been around for like 30 years now.

In comparison, something like audio chat or video chat is more presence-encompassing. You can’t really “push to talk” three different things to three chatrooms at about once, and you likely can but won’t want to listen to three chatrooms full of people at the same time.

no but that's not the immediate use case either, something like mumble is really nice if you're playing games with other people and just want to VOIP so you don't have to use a text chat, you can talk and play video games at the same time pretty easily. It's also nice if you just want to casually hang around other people without having to be physically near them, or at a keyboard typing on it constantly.

For something like a videoconference you not only need a camera, but a good behind-you because not only who knows who or what will be showing back there.

i mean, you don't *need* a camera, maybe in a professional setting, but in a casual setting, screensharing something to show someone else for example, you don't even need a camera.

Not to mention: this is computer stuff. No one really likes to work on “debt”, which is what “Foo has to have ‘screen sharing’ because Discord has it” ultimately boils down to.

this is fair, and tbh i don't even really want a discord clone, you could very easily just adapt one of the many existing text chat protocols IRC being the most obvious, and VOIP is basically a solved problem, that's not hard either. Mumble has a pretty good low latency implementation of it, but you don't always need low latency. Video sharing/video conferencing is harder, but we have things like youtube and netflix, so the actual video streaming part isn't the hard thing. We have entire video manipulation libraries like FFMPEG as well, which will do everything you need it to do.

Mumble i think is the perfect example of a "minimalist" application, it does VOIP and it does it really well. I pretty much just want mumble but for video sharing and i'd be happy.


this definitely makes sense in the OSS community, but i feel like someone should’ve already done it as a semi pet project already. I know i would’ve done it.

Pet project, yes; production-ready, that's a whole 'nother story.

Ultimately some things are too complex to deliver out on tem "just because". Such as web browsers, hence ATM there only exist about 2.


Pet project, yes; production-ready, that’s a whole 'nother story.

to be fair, linux was also a pet project, until it wasn't. I'm not expecting people to drop zoom2 electric boogaloo over this or anything.

Ultimately some things are too complex to deliver out on tem “just because”. Such as web browsers, hence ATM there only exist about 2.

web browsers i could see, because they fucking suck, though there are a few alt browser projects currently going on, so there is that.

but something like VOIP and video sharing i would imagine is probably going to be magnitudes easier than something like a web browser.


Matrix+elements is very easy to selfhost in any homelab. works well enough for goverments. Federated and easy end to end encryption. And one can easily set up a web archive bridge forvarchiveable rooms.

That beeing said i still think IRC is the best for pure text chat.


But neither have seamless voice chat/screen sharing, which is a staple of Discord that users are very used to.

sep , edited

I do not know what you talk about. I use screen sharing and voice chat daily on elements with our own hosted matrix server.

Edit: i felt wrong saying "voice chat" what even is that. I make regular calls and video calls with screen sharing in elements ;)


That is interesting, the last time i tried Element/matrix it did not have these features. Can I ask, is your screen sharing of a quality that you can stream videos and games at equivilant frame rates?


I have never tried that. We use it to share powerpoints in meetings or do troubleshooting together. Or I use it to do family video calls with the kids. Fps are never an issue. There are times where there are compression artifacts tho. Especially if someone have a bad or variable connection. On a buss or a train or similar.


What do you need screen sharing for? This comes up so, so rarely for me.

Besides the expensive Matrix option the parent suggested, IRC covers text fine. Mumble handles low-latency, low-resource voice chat with positional audio for games. XMPP uses more resources that IRC (but can have encryption) but a ton less resources than Matrix which makes it suitable for self-hosting—my partner & I do voice/video calls over my home server fine & Movim is working on group calls with a Web UI (tho it should be noted both Zoom & Jitsi use XMPP under the hood).


What do you need screen sharing for? This comes up so, so rarely for me.

it's convenient, also it'd be nice if it had the feature capability.

Mumble is great, but if there was something like mumble, that implemented video sharing, that would be miles better, though a lot of people would probably still use mumble, as it's fine.

From what i've dug into, basically every video sharing capable setup is based on web technology, and i simply refuse to go near web technology unless i WANT to use a web browser. It's just, worse, in so many ways.


Well Discord, Slack, & others are web tech too so it’s not like avoiding it is easy. If I *have* to use these services, I would prefer it be in the browser’s sandbox.

Even still, almost all debug, troubleshoot, pairing session I have done in the last 4 years have been done over Upterm or Tmate, which is much, much lighter on bandwidth & not crushed by video compression.


In what way are matrix expencive? You do not have to self host it. You can just make an account on any public matrix server.


Matrix servers chew up an order of magnitude more CPU/RAM which limits the places you can deploy it. The eventual consistency model makes storage balloon as every message, attachment, metadata must be copied to all nodes in a conversation which is resilient, but wasteful in duplicated content in practices which has historically caused many medium & larger servers to shut down due to the explosive just of storage (similar issues with Mastodon). That same model is why it takes on the order of minutes to just join a room or come back to a client that hasn’t been opened recently. Element X & new servers have to work so damn hard to work around asynchronously than fundamental decision to attempt to hide it from the sluggish UX but behind the scenes still too expensive. & since it is expensive to run in many vectors this causes folks to then move to the biggest servers that can handle the load which means the Matrix network is in actuality a small number of massive servers (most of which managed by & a small number of tiny hobbyists running nodes of <10 users is practice. With so many users on instances (& again with eventual consistency), almost all data gets synced to their nodes make subpoenas a breeze.

A healthier network would have many fewer massive centralized nodes, medium-sized nodes, & the resource requirements would be low enough that more folks would be encouraged more often to run their own nodes they control so they aren’t required to trust an unknown serves operator. Meaning “*just* making an account on any public server” isn’t a great mode of operation for privacy—especially as with Matrix joining a medium-sized server will put them under a lot of strain causing them to throw in the tower & joining the few massive servers further exacerbating the centralization issue.

Copying the UX of Slack/Telegram/Discord in a decentralized manner is a fool's errand. Keeping the chat history for eternity is already a questionable call over using forums, but trying to distribute that out like a blockchain is so wasteful.


While I do agree with the problems identified, I can't help but think they also made forums a lot better. Due to the lower discoverability and higher effort to actually join communities felt more personal. You interacted with smaller groups and came to know specific people. I still have friends from back then.

On larger platforms, I never had that. Even lemmy, which is small in comparison has enough people that I barely even think about specific users. Let alone speak with them on a personal level.


I had so many good times on forums back in the day.

The personal nature of them was great for being social and making friends, but it was also good for the quality of the content for and user behaviour too.

When everyone recognises you and remembers your past behaviour, people put effort into creating a good reputation for themselves and making quality posts. It's like living in a small village versus living in a city.

The thought of being banned back then genuinely filled people with dread, because even if you could evade it (which many people couldn't as VPNs were barely a thing) you'd lose your whole post history and personal connection with people, and users did cherish those things.

db0 [OP]

That's a double-edged knife. yes it feels closer and personal, but it also breeds inside groups and cliques. I've been turned away from multiple forums because I was too ASD to fit in with their culture but there was no other space to discuss it. And this can go much much worse than just a culture-fit. Not to mention that if that forum becomes too popular, that culture is anyway lost.

However using lemmy there's the best of both worlds. You can still keep your instance small enough so that you know your local users, but also be able to interact with the larger community without the extra effort I explained. For example there's instances out there like beehaw and hexbear which through have managed to retain their own culture and standards even while federated.

LainTrain , edited

Hard agree. I would also like to add that I think a lot of people remember forums a lot better than they were. Federation keeps admins and mods in check, these features act as checks and balances on instances

*Nothing personal ofc db0 you run an awesome instance.

db0 [OP]

*Nothing personal ofc db0 you run an awesome instance.

Insult acknowledged! Benned for life!


Uncle Benned, or Obi Wan Kenobi Benned? 🤔

db0 [OP]

Benned and Jerrys!


Even lemmy, which is small in comparison has enough people that I barely even think about specific users. Let alone speak with them on a personal level.

I have a different experience but I'm on a very smaller instance than .world. Your instance is big, generalist but their is lots of them that are location- or topic-oriented. Such instances are not only smaller with a more personnalised local thread but the people on it share already identified common points with you.


Unfortunately, there is no instance matching my interests. There are a number of communities across different instances, but it seems like several people tried to make their own, didn't interact with each other and all of them are long dead.

Once I find such an instance, I'll switch over. I've been meaning to leave .world anyways.


What are your interests?


Back on reddit, I mostly interacted with communities relating to JRPGs. There are some communities over here, but at most they post some trailers every now and then. There are also some more focussd communities about Dragon Quest, Xenoblade or SMT - all of them practically dead. I don't think there is an instance.

I could go over to a programming related one, the german instance or even one of the vegan instances for secondary 'interests', but those aren't things I often find myself posting about online to be honest. They seem to be mostly about memes anyways.

Blaze , edited could be a good fit for you. It's reliable, transparent ( and hosts communities about gaming and technology.

The main jrpg community is actually hosted there (! )

On the other hand, wherever the communities are, you can just subscribe to them whatever instance you are using, so it's not that big of a deal.

ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝

Perhaps find like-minded folks and start one?


Usenet and bbs erasure.


I was considering mentioning that GenX stuff, but I felt it was too obscure and would only serve to posture my creds :)


Your creds could be diminished based on which usenet forums you frequented. I had a little while in my 90s youth obsessed with researching marihuana, libertarian ideals, and discrediting Scientology in the alt.scientology groups. Not great, kind of normal for usenet, but there were much darker places to inhabit there. Worst of all was posting from my university account with my real name.


Usenet is where I discovered slack.


Usenet is still useful for... other things 🏴‍☠️


carrier pigeon erasue.


Yeah. Federating forums seem like a useful feature to keep them going. The forum style has it benefits that the discord and reddit style lacks. Sadly a forum I used a lot for my community is now in its final days, even if it managed to last a lot longer than others


Maybe ask if they're willing to switched over to lemmy? You can sort like a forum does. Long shot but hey....


true. I didn't consider that. That would could work. Lemmy is a lot more advanced in that regard. Currently the best ideas are Discord and give up, and the original owners are done with the idea, but I could try and create a spiritual successor on here. Lemmy suffers a bit from the same isues as Forums with lack of people, but I only need to convince the OGs. I need to think about that, and a forum from 2004 whose software is a decade out of date is easy to beat in that regard

Also thanks for creating this awesome instance.

Draconic NEO

Also tools like Lemmy Federate can help broaden the reach and allow more people on Lemmy to discover your communities, since communities and their content doesn't get federated until someone is subscribed to them.


I was going to bring up this post, but it's actually yours

Draconic NEO

Yeah it seems not a lot of people are aware of this tool anymore. I guess since it's no longer advertised on's sidebar people just sort of forgot about it.


Forums still exist, there only for extremely niche things though...Like high powered flashlights


Somethingawful is still going strong, even after Lowtax died.


Here in Germany the forum culture is still somewhat alive, social media did take a big cut though.


Out of all the things, Reddit is probably still the best for flashlight purchasing advice.


I wish retro gaming was niche enough for nintendoage and assemblergames to still be around...


The grossest franchise of all time (Pokémon) still has like 20 forums going on.

Draconic NEO

Plenty of console Homebrew and general gaming forums are still around. Like GBAtemp and ResetEra. I think all forms have really been about niche things for the most part. There were some general purpose forms but most of them focused around some Central subject that is core to their identity.

Truly general purpose platforms that attempt to be about everything weren't really a thing until social media, with digg and Reddit.

cabbage , edited

Great post!

I would be curious to know how many people on here have found memories from BBcode-style forums.

Personally I kinda skipped web 2.0 - I had some accounts, sure, but I hardly interacted with anything else than direct messaging. However I used to hang out on phpBB for probably hours every day before Facebook took over, having been lured in by needing help progressing in Pokémon on my GameBoy Advance.

I guess I'm a minority around here in never having used Reddit much. But I'm wondering if we're, in general, a bunch of ageing nerds who are nostalgic to web 1.0, or if we're a more diverse bunch than that. ;)

Oh, and speaking of nostalgia, I'm sad LemmyBB is not maintained any more! It makes perfect sense that it isn't of course, but what a blast it would be.

db0 [OP]

I used to use them a lot before Reddit, but I never really liked them. Too many to list or even remember at this point.


I guess a large part why I liked them was that I was really only active on one or maximum two, and I was happy just embracing the community there. It was also in my native language rather than in English, which feels excotic in retrospect.


While your post does mention notifications which really helps with engagement and was lacking from most forums, the main issue was IMHO lack of good mobile support of all the main forum platforms until as you said Discourse came along, but by then it was too late.


I used to participate in (what was then) the largest and most active automotive enthusiast forum for a specific brand. They had forums for each major model run, and classifieds, etc. I'd go there for how-to's, detailed info, reviews, tips and tricks, and of course, to tall with like-minded people. Meet ups even spawned from these groups, and friendships were forged.

As it really picked up steam, though, the forum creators decided to monetize, as every large website grapples with how to sustain their growth. Unfortunately, they decided to implement ads, subscription/pay wall, and within a month, there were five competing websites. The majority of us left in the first two weeks.

Now that forum still exists, but the content is gone, deleted by users who didn't appreciate their content being monetized (sound familiar, June 2023?). The replacements? Some struggle on, and one or two are vibrant, but mostly, it imploded. There was one glorious pair of years though, when I (and thousands of others) spent hours every day on the forum, and every topic was covered.

In hindsight, the downfall was more than just the advertisements and pay walling. It was a few non-admins that were treated as defacto mods, and they had bad attitudes. Flaming anyone who asked questions that were asked before (this was before Google made searching easier), and also holding their own practices as the only way to maintain their cars.

The reddit versions of the forums were not remotely the same, with people coming and going and not really sticking around. The best place for the info is still forums, though I think they struggle with server upkeep and costs. It's sad to me, but all things change. I'm glad for


Advrider still going strong!


toxic users and flamers

I left Tacoma world for very similar reasons, if you searched and necro posted you got flamed, if you started a new but similar topic you got flamed.


The same way you moved from reddit to here. Dissatisfaction and momentum.


I still post on Wil Wheaton's old phpBB forum from time to time. Nobody else does, though. :(


Does he post on there? Lol

No. He's on Tumblr.


Share the link, I'll post on it!


People prefer centralization, and it makes sense. The Fediverse resolves most of the issues with decentralization, but so does centralization, which came way sooner, and arguably did it better.

Also, people seem to forget that Facebook was pretty cool back then. It had superior features, and was not the buggy mess it is today.


Mostly FB wasn’t a trove of far right shit and it was before a lot of the scandals pointing out to what extent our data is sold.


Sure, when only the educated could join it.


Maybe because I'm not from an English speaking culture that I don't see the far right stuff


Anything big enough becomes a public restroom. Cooperation and syncronization between groups small enough not to devolve in that way seems to be an especially promising path forward.


Power law

Ghostalmedia , edited

My migration was primarily driven by threading, voting, and ads.

1) forums (community topics) > 2) slashdot (community topics + threads) > 3) digg / reddit (community topics + threads + comment voting) > 4) Lemmy (community topics + threads + comment voting - ads)

db0 , edited

slashdot (community topics + threads) >

slashdot has voting though. In fact I wish we had the same sort of votes slashdot had. up/down votes are so limited :(


I should’ve clarified.

It had post voting, but no comment voting.

db0 [OP]

It had post voting, but no comment voting.

Doesn't your screenshot show the opposite?


Maybe I’m missing something, but I thought you could only upvote / downvote posts. Comments were just a thread, and whoever commented first was at the top.

Hence why a lot of our early shitposting was just commenting “first” as soon as an interesting post when live.


Yes, it didn't re-sort by default. You can, however, hide based on score. so kinda?

They also used to (maybe they still do) have meta-moderation where you could flag things as funny or insightful. I always considered that a nice touch but it didn't allow sorting either. .


I've found slashdot, over the last 2 decades, has devolved into climate change denying, capitalist fellating, wildly off topic flame wars in the comments. As a news aggregator, I've never seen an article hit slashdot before it hits reddit or lemmy.

finitebanjo , edited

Much easier access.

You make a reddit account or a discors account and you have limited access to thousands of forums.

Imagine giving your email address and making a password and solving a captcha hundreds of times instead. Who would choose to?

And don't even get me started on the ease of operating these subreddits and discord channels instead of building and hosting websites.


Discord and Reddit also had uniquely improved their UIs over the existing options.

finitebanjo , edited

Until that API nonsense I was always using old.reddit because the redesign was ass.

Discord is cool tho, better than skype gui for sure.


I'm on 3 active forums and 2 lemmies and 2 mastos and I just leave myself logged in. It's nothing like that. Somehow that's still a better user experience than discord


I am very biased in this stuff, I'll say that up front. I was in the "in-crowd" for multiple forums over the years, ran my own for many years (essentially a personality cult, as per your article), and so of course I have a warm and fuzzy view of the medium. Importantly, I found my time on forums to be socially stimulating. By that I mean that the interactions were strong enough that I didn't feel lonely, despite being stuck in various isolated places. I have never felt that way about the interactions I've had any other platforms, with the exception of direct IM clients.

With that preamble out of the way, something that's come up in the comments below but I don't feel has been explored sufficiently is permanence. Modern profit-driven platforms focus on transience. They are built around the endless-feed model and keeping users engaged as long as possible. This is built into their very bones - it's always about new content and discussion isn't designed to last more than a day. Old content is actively buried.

That's antithetical to the traditional forum model. Topics on a subject would persist for as long as there was interest (sometimes too long, of course) and users' contributions would form a corpus of work, so to speak. I found that forums that allowed for avatars and signatures were particularly good in this respect as they served as "familiar faces", allowing users to become visibly established community members.

I've used Reddit for 14 years (although lately I've given up on it) and not once in that time have I felt a sense of community. The low barrier of entry and the minimal opportunity cost of leaving a community makes the place a revolving door of (effectively) anonymous users. It's my opinion that a small barrier to entry is a good thing, coupled with persistence of content. It's not enough to have much of a chilling effect, but it provides a small amount of consequence to users' actions and that's arguably good for community formation and cohesion. A gentle counter to John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory ( ).

I run a Facebook group and we have an entrance question - the answer to the question is basic knowledge for the target audience, however the question itself also includes directions for where to find the answer (the first paragraph of the Wikipedia article OR the group's rules). Most people just give the answer (and some overthink it and put a load of extra info in, because the question is suspiciously easy) but a subset of people either can't be bothered or *don't even finish reading the question*. In my opinion, the community we've built is better without those people.

This ties into the concept of profit-driven vs. community-driven platforms. A profit-driven platform wants as many eyeballs as possible, regardless of what the owner of those eyeballs can contribute to the community. The community exists purely to facilitate profit, something which feels to me like a terrible basis for a community.

Something I do feel OP is correct about is discoverability - that's particularly an issue in the modern era of garbage search engines. I don't have any particular thoughts on the subject, I just wanted to say "Yep! Agreed!", haha.


Seems like an interesting post, thanks for writing it!


tl;dr the internet didn't used to be about making money, it was a place where people created all kinds of content, for almost no reason at all, and almost nobody was making any money, except AOL which blew all their money on CDs probably


How did we move from usenet to forums?

db0 [OP] , edited

Browsers and the internet protocols were pretty sweet, man

Draconic NEO

Didn't usenet also have a lot of spam problems associated with it?

db0 [OP]

Everything had spam problems 😅

Draconic NEO

Good point, spam always has been and always will be an issue.


VC backed user experience

Black Dog

I loved the old forums, and couldn't quite see the point of Facebook when it came out. I thought it was just for self-obsessed 'models' and wannabe 'celebs' when I first heard about it! I joined it eventually of course, as all my friends did and I wanted to see what it was all about. Over the years I've had a love/hate thing with FB and only check in a couple of times a week now.

I liked Reddit, it reminded me of the old forums. I like Lemmy more though. It's still got that feeling I remember back in the old forum days before everyone and his dog got online on their phones and things seemed to go downhill.

ensoniqthehedgehog , edited

Lemmy reminds me of Reddit 10-15 years ago. Back when popular posts would be on the front-page for a few days, when a few hundred or thousand upvotes was a lot, when large communities had tens of thousands of subscribers, not hundreds or millions, when the chance of recognizing and running into the same users on various subreddits was still kind of common...

linearchaos , edited

Article claims the forums were expensive and difficult to maintain. I thing it more likely that Facebook groups are epopular because people are already there.

Discord has done an amazing job at convenience. It's free, they have a rather generous API. The communities have created fantastic bots. But it's important to remember discord isn't a forum it's a live chat. Two people having a live discussion is a very different thing than two people carefully curating their responses in a forum.

Reddit and Lemmy are curated knowledge repository wrapped in discourse. Which brings an advantage over old forums.

More or less I would argue that the article is missing convenience as a driving factor.

Edit: I poorly skimmed this article and mistook some of its points. This comment deserves no upvotes and I'll circle back later and give some credible feedback.


Discord has a bloody server limit which makes it impractical


They also make it incredibly difficult to even pay for their service. I needed to fund one for work a few years ago It was a pain in the arse. I had to buy $200 worth of boost packs. Just give me a single line item premium server and be done with it.


What do you do for work that Discord was the viable option, even though it didn't have the features you needed unless you dropped $200 in microtransactions?


that Discord was the viable option, even though it didn’t have the features you needed unless you dropped $200 in microtransactions?

It was a discord for a game.


Yeah, 500,000 users. Are you in servers that are hitting that max?


No, 100 servers


Edit: I poorly skimmed this article and mistook some of its points. This comment deserves no upvotes and I’ll circle back later and give some credible feedback.

Thank you for this constructive approach

db0 [OP]

More or less I would argue that the article is missing convenience as a driving factor.

Did the article?


Saying that I mentioned paragraphs from the actual article ... yeah.

db0 [OP] , edited

I’m not a researcher, but I was there from the start and I saw the same process play out multiple times in the old forums I used to be in. Accessibility and convenience won.

Article claims the forums were expensive and difficult to maintain

Not to mention that the article never even mentions "expensive". Wait, you fed it to an LLM and asked for a summary, didn't you?


I'm sitting here trying to figure out why you're coming out on the attack so hard, it's your own blog. That makes perfect sense.

LLM? no, I skimmed it because it's extremely long and very fluffy. I mistook some of the fluff, my apologies. I'll go back and thoroughly read it when I have time later today and give you credible feedback. Off the cuff, I'd recommend you try to tame the writing down a little, you're obviously very excited and feel strongly about the topic, but that doesn't always translate to a good read for others.


I'm not upset, mate. I'm just perplexed why you're confidently making statements which directly contract the article and appear as if you didn't read it. But you do you.


Discord has forums built in. I know everyone hates it when I mention it, but there is continuity on Discord and has been for several years now.

zelifcam , edited

Discord has forums built in. I know everyone hates it when I mention it, but there is continuity on Discord and has been for several years now.

That’s because it’s not exactly a great point. Look, we’re all glad they caught up to 1980’s bbs tech, but it’s behind a login screen. YOU HAVE TO GIVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO ACCESS IT.

Discord had always been a square peg beaten with a hammer to fit in a round hole. Eventually gaining basic features for the things it was never meant to be used for. Forcing people to sell themselves out just to read some documentation on an open source project.


discord forums are terrible though. it's hardly an upgrade from a threads only channel


They're not search engine indexable though.

You can't view it without logging in.


Well written, interesting article.

Really getting momentum from Reddit will be tough though. Our main advantage is that we have the rest of the Fediverse as a potential user base, and existing forum apps that also activate apub; reducing network effects. If the Fediverse has momentum, so has the threadiverse.


Fewer barriers to entry and faster responses from people using Reddit/Facebook/Discord. Forums are great for indexing and posterity, but they're absolute dogshit for meaningful information exchange. Unless you know exactly what your problem is, to the point of barely needing help, you probably won't be able to word your question in a way that experts can understand, and the assistance they provide generally comes with a lot of assumptions that you're familiar with X, Y, and Z. I can't tell you how many forum posts I've read over the decades that just sort of end without any resolution of the original problem. It's all too easy to lose pertinent information in multi page threads (esp if the pages extend into the 10s and 100s), and new users, the ones most in need of assistance, are overwhelmed by experts overestimating the new user's abilities. Discord on the other hand lets you instantly get feedback from experts and allows you to refine your question in real time.


Whilst I don't disagree with your points, don't they primarily apply to specifically a support forum?


Fewer barriers to entry? A forum is just a simple registration, usually with email confirmation and maybe a captcha once. Facebook wants real life personal information, blocks VPNs and nowadays I think you have to even provide phone numbers or a custom video of yourself. Discord, ON EVERY LOGIN, wants me to solve a 2 level captcha that loves to repeat itself multiple times and to do a two factor authentication while being just a bloated confusing mess of a chat. Reddit also now blocks VPNs like crazy and loves to shadowban you if you're inactive for a while (or whatever random reason they went with that I cannot think of).

They're the absolute worst possible choices and exclude countless of people.


the other users forced me to do it by moving


Great post, thanks for taking the time to write this.


Great post, thanks for taking the time to write this.

I agree!


Hosting a forum costs money, and we ain't got that

A_Random_Idiot , edited

There were plenty of free forum hosts back in the day. (edit: just did a search and there are still free forum hosts)

But then social media came out, and everyone got addicted to the gamified dopamine mechanics like upvotes and shit. So now everything has to have upvotes, or likes, or whatever other stupid bullshit shit that has absolutely ruined human interaction and discourse and is single handedly to blame for the extremity in modern discourse, because the need to drive clicks and upvotes leads to extreme polarization where no common sense, honest discussion can be held.

because you either 100% agree with me (upvote) or you are a baby killing bastard who disagrees with me (downvote), and there can be no middle ground! /s


Even with a free forum host, it's difficult to keep things running for a long time.

Awhile back I was unsatisfied with how quickly my (new) furniture was degrading, and found a furniture forum run by a guy in the biz. So much knowledge on there about different furniture and how to actually find quality stuff that will last decades.

The owner retired this week, and he had been paying for an IT contract to do basic maintenance / upgrades on the forum (I think he started on a free host, but as it got bigger he eventually had to move it). He needed IT help basically to apply security patches and do upgrades. He's stated that he no longer plans to pay for the maintenance contract. I'm guessing the forum will disappear soon.


Have you suggested them to move to Lemmy?

ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝


Good material for !

Socialist Mormon Satanist

Great post!


I'm still trying to figure out why I left FidoNet.


Because we prefer to sign up to one thing that combines all our interests to signing up to dozens of different forums


This is why we have SSO (why on Earth are these always the proprietary ones by default) & decentralized identities such as those on ActivityPub


ah yes, the age old tale of "the internet sucks and people are stupid"

If you've ever tried hosting a web based solution you'll know exactly what i mean. The entirety of web hosting is a disaster. The entire mountain of web code is a nightmare, and the collection of website based frameworks do nothing more than burn electricity and man hours to create a fucking button on a screen.

as for discord, i haven't puzzled that one out yet, i don't understand. Probably lazy developers and the community aspect, it's a forum, but free, and worse. And now you can shitpost with random people you don't even know!

Personally, i believe that enshittifcation is an inevitability. You put somebody in a room with something, and when you take them out, that thing will somehow have gotten more complex, and thus probably worse.


Discord, at one point, was better than a lot of other app on the market, and they were one of the first where you could just create an account and join any group, for free.

It became the standard, and now we're stuck with that shit


eventually people are going to have to wisen up to the VC funding strategy. It's not going to last forever, i hope.


Don't hold your breath on the whole "wisening up to the VC funding" thing. People today still believe the moon landing was somehow faked to own the libs or something silly like that.


obviously but VC funding is predicated on very slimy concepts and it's pretty easy for the broad market forces to adapt away from it, as we see with current VC projects. We just need to somehow deal with that problem. That's the hard part though.


In an ideal world yes, but we've learned nothing from the Dotcom bubble, or the 2008 housing bubble.

If there is money to be made, history will repeat itself.


this is true, but for some reason i am rather optimistic about the future of this particular venture, idk why.


Isn't discord just shittier, proprietary IRC? I'm only on it because my Linux distro's dev uses it for communication for some reason, but from what I can tell, it's just a locked-down IRC client you can buy emojis and shit on.


it's IRC but if it had all the features, and was monetized. It has a lot more features from what i understand, but aside from that it's basically just a VOIP communication platform with video sharing. IDK why there aren't any significant alternatives like we have with mumble tho.


It's also got great VOIP functionality. And it's been a hot minute since I've used IRC, but you can automate tons of things in Discord around things like user roles. I play an old fighting game that has no ranked system, and all of that functionality, including running weekly tournaments, is handled by a Discord bot that runs on a Raspberri Pi.


Preach brother!


boomers figured out the other mediums.

leadore , edited

No, boomers invented forums (and the internet itself). Millenials invented Web 2.0 (as they called it), the corporate takeover of the internet.


Because forums sucked? Still do.

db0 [OP]

Yes, but how did they suck? It's what I go into detail explaining.


Sorry, text is too small to read.