Launching c/Latvija, the community for Latvia on the Fediverse! Calling all Latvians and those interested in Latvia and the Baltic countries to join and support us.

submitted by TheArstaInventor

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hemko , edited



Is not potato man, is secret police. Such is life.


Ooh, very nice! I've visited the country once, and ever since that visit whenever I taste dill I'm instantly transported back there. You guys have some really underrated good food!

inlandempire , edited

Good luck with your community!!

I'm planning to go to Riga in summer 2025 for a concert, hopefully it does not get postponed for the fifth time (i was supposed to go in 2022 lol)

Sunshine [she/her]

Thank you Latvia for standing against Russia!

Allero , edited

You mean, against Russians, people that form a quarter of its own population?

For what it's worth, Latvian policymakers are so russophobic even the EU makes sure to calm them down once in a while.

And as for international policy against Russia, Latvia is generally following EU guidelines, so they don't hit Russia the state in any special way.

Latvians themselves, in the meanwhile, have split opinions - nationalists, moderates and russophiles are all present, with varying shares across regions and age brackets.

Upd.: I must assume all those downvotes are a knee-jerk. To clarify: I stand against actions of Russia the state, but what Latvian government does to Russians the people, its own citizens, is nothing short of tragedic, with a country on course to become an ethnostate.

This has led European Union to force Latvia to recognize Russians as an ethnic minority and grant them basic access to culture, language etc. that was stripped in an attempt to erase Russian identity within the country's borders. For the first time in years, Russian kids born in Latvia can have access to extracurricular classes on Russian language and culture; previously they were completely confined to Latvian ones, with any alternatives strictly prohibited.


As a swede (but not living there), how can we help? Lettland right :-) ?


all 3 of them.


Crossposted to !

