Decentralized Social Media Is the Only Alternative to the Tech Oligarchy

submitted by spaduf

Decentralized Social Media Is the Only Alternative to the Tech Oligarchy

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Avatar spaduf [OP]

Didn't say but I'm pretty sure it's because I edited to add lemmy specific information. In particular I mentioned the apps


I caught it in time, i am a fresh convert.

Avatar Blaze (he/him)

! is a good starting point

Avatar pelespirit , edited


The biggest thing you have to learn is that everything defaults to "active" instead of "hot." If it seems stale after setting the primary to "hot" in your settings, choose "top 6 hours" and "top 12 hours" to see more content. It's not as addicting so it takes a little time to settle in to the calmness, but it's great after you get used to it.

Avatar Avid Amoeba

Welcome! Ask Qs, we'll answer.

Avatar Blaze (he/him)



Thank goodness. You’re safe now with friends ❤️

Avatar Avid Amoeba

Next time, make a new subreddit. 😂

Avatar Blaze (he/him)
