Happy #GlobalSwitchDay

submitted by amzd

Happy #GlobalSwitchDay

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amzd [OP]

Yeah I’d rather not share my identity though. Seems like an odd requirement for a “private” messenger

Avatar Zloubida

Private ≠ anonymous.

Autonomous User , edited

Signal is not anonymous.

amzd [OP]

Signal is neither of those

Avatar Zangoose

Signal is private in that other people can't intercept your messages, including signal. The signal app is open-source so you can be relatively certain it's not tracking your decrypted messages, unlike closed-source apps like WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger or any other private social media.

Signal is not anonymous from an account standpoint, because you need a phone number to sign up, even if you can choose not to display it in your account.

Autonomous User

This does nothing to fix the problem.