Alright guys, who shut down their farmbot yesterday? Loss of 70k users (5%), graph might be misleading

submitted by Blaze edited

Alright guys, who shut down their farmbot yesterday? Loss of 70k users (5%), graph might be misleading

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Avatar Blaze [OP]

The Fediobserver has daily and monthly stats for active users. I assume daily indeed follow daily variations. You also saw those huge bumps when LW updated and started counting votes as activity

Danterious , edited

I think the observer shows daily and monthly stats for the active users per month and active users per half year so the active users per month wouldn't change as fast I think.

Also about it being a botfarm I do think that is a possibility. Actually there is more evidence for it when you see extend the graph to 120 days and see a huge uptick in users and servers at the same time. Edit: 2024-7-29

Edit: wording

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Avatar Blaze [OP]

I think the observer shows daily and monthly stats for the active users per month and active users per half year so the active users per month wouldn’t change as fast I think.

Indeed, I was remembering it wrong, you might be right!

Also about it being a botfarm I do think that is a possibility. Actually there is much clearer evidence for it when you see extend the graph to 120 days and see a huge uptick in users and servers at the same time. Edit: 2024-7-29
